Library Archive

General & Introductory Books
“GALA 2001 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, multiple authors
“GALA 2002 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, multiple authors
“GALA 2003 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, multiple authors
“GALA 2004 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, multiple authors
“GALA 2005 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, by multiple authors
“GALA 2006 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, by multiple authors
“GALA 2007 Program, Meeting Notes & Information,” by multiple authors
“GALA 2008 Conference Binder,” multiple authors
“GALA 2009 Conference Binder,” multiple authors
“GALA 2010 Conference Binder,” multiple authors

Alpacas Magazine, various 1991-1994
ALSA Newsletter, various 1993-1999
ALSA Showring – Most Issues (‘96 through ‘98 & several 2001 issues)
AOBA Directories, various
Chevy Outdoors, Feb/March ‘93 “Llamas At Two Miles High”
GALA Newsletter (April ‘87 – February ‘02)
GALA Newsletter, various, 1991-present
Green Mountain Alpaca Fall Spectacular Program, donated by Susan Houston
International Wildlife Sept-Oct contains the article: “My Two Decades with
America’s Camels” Dr. William L. Franklin
LANA Newsletter, various from 1991-1998
Llama Banner – Most issues (Vol.1 No. 1 July/Aug ‘88 – June 2001)
Llama Journal, Southern States LLama Association, 1994-1996
Llama Life (Summer ‘87 – Spring ‘96)
Llama Life (#39, Autumn ‘96 – Current Issue)
Llama Life II – Most issues, Autumn ‘98 to Present
Llama Link, various 1989-1998
Llama World (Numbers 1-4, Spring ‘82 – Winter ‘83)
Llamas Magazine (Most issues May/June ‘88 – ‘98)
Llamas Magazine (Numbers 1-13, Sept/Oct ‘85 – Sept/Oct ‘87)
Maine Llama Association Newsletter, 1997-1999
National Geographic, December 1973, “Lost Empire of the Incas”, Loren McIntyre
National Geographic, February 1971, “Titicaca, Abode of the Sun”, by Luis Marden & Flip Schulke
National Geographic, May 1946, W.H.Hodge’s “Camels of the Clouds”
New Hampshire Llama Association Newsletter, 1992-2000
ORVLA Topline (Feb ‘97 – Aug ‘98)
RMLA Newsletter, various from 1991-2004
Smithsonian Feb 1979 with the article “Some Immigrant Llamas Th rive in home of Forebears” Jack Fincher.
The LLama Letter, Williamette Valley Llama Association, 1994-1999
The Llama Newsletter (Numbers 1-8, from 1981)
The Th ree-L Llama Newsletter (Numbers 1-12, from 1979)
The Th ree-L Llama Newsletter (Numbers 14-28, Summer ‘82 – July/August ‘85)
Wild Fibers Magazine (Spring 2004 Summer 2005)

Items Of Historical Perspective*
“ALSA Handbook, 6th Ed.”, ALSA
“ALSA Handbook, 12th Ed.” , ALSA
“Camelid Medicine & Surgery, Fall 1991”, Dr. Brad Smith, Oregon State University
“Caring For Llamas & Alpacas: Health & Management Guide, 1st Ed.”, Clare Hoff man & Ingrid Asmus
“GALA 1991 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, multiple authors
“GALA 1997 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, multiple authors
“GALA 2000 Program, Meeting Notes & Information”, multiple authors
“Living With Llamas, 1st Ed.”, Rosanna Hart
Llama Assembly ‘93, Meeting Notes & Information”, multipleauthors
“Llama Medicine, Veterinary Essentials, Sp ‘93, Mid-Central Llama Assn Conference”, C. Norman Evans, DVM
“Medicine & Surgery of South American Camelids, 1st Ed.”, Murray Fowler, DVM
“Merck Veterinary Manual, 5th & 6th Ed.”, Published by Merck & Co.
“The Alpaca Book”, by Eric Hoff man and Dr. Larue Johnson
“The LANA Binder”, multiple authors
“Today & Tomorrow, Llama Investment Analysis” 1988 & 1990 Ed., John O. Schreiber
“Veterinary Clinical Parasitology”, Margaret W. Sloss, DVM & Russell L. Kemp, AB, Ph.D
“Veterinary Llama Field Manual”, by C. Norman Evans, DVM

*The above historical items are part of the library collection and available for member’s use although these items contain information that has become obsolete, incorrect or revised. Their primary value is in the historical perspective they provide for researching the lama industry.

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