Books for Children of all Ages
“A Day in the Life of Senior Woolly”
“A Ghost at Horse Creek”, Jeri Massi
“A Llama in the Family” by Johanna Hurwitz
“A Llama’s Tale, Freesia’s Little Llama Farm” By Lydia Chiappini
“A Playmate for Puna”, Terry Shannon
“Abigail”, Ruth M. Stevenson
“Alaska Llama, Far North Hero” by Helen von Ammon
“Appletime” by Chris H. Bridge
“Camels” by John Bonnett Wexo
“Fifty-Five e Grandmas and a Llama” by Lynn Manuel
“Harley”, Star Livingstone & Molly Bang
“If I Was a Llama” by Ann Madison
“Is Your Mama A Llama?”, Deborah Guarino
“Isabelle’s Sheepdog” by Tracey Kufner
“Llama” by Caroline Arnold
“Llamas” by Helen Kienlen and Lois Sandercock
“Love A Llama” by Colleen Stanley Bare
“Mountains to Climb” by Richard M. Wainright
“My Little Llama”, Patricia May Hakkarinnen
“Pish-Posh”, Steven Cosgrove
“Secret of the Andes”, Ann Nolan Clark
“Stop Spitting at Your Brother” by Diane White-Crane
“The Inca” by Patrice McKissack
“The Lesser Brother”, Jeri Massi
“The Llama”, Gail LaBonte
“The Llama Who Wished For Wings”, Lydia Chiappini
“The Llama’s Secret – A Peruvian Legend”, Argentina Palacios
“The Myth of the Llama”, Jeri Massi
“The (Mis)adventures of the Llamas at Hunter Hill”, Sharon Hubbard
“When Max Became A Mom” by Tracey Kufner

General & Introductory Books
“A Guide to Raising Llamas”, by Gale Birutta
“Along Came A Llama”, Ruth Janette Ruck
“Before & After Llamas”, JoAnn McGrath
“Classic 2000 Directory ‘93”, Wes Holmquist
“For the Love of Claude”, Lydia Chiappini
“Guard Llama Study” (pamphlet), Iowa State University
“Hummmorous Llama Humor”, Minnette Elder & Patricia DuBois
“Life, Love, Llamas & Laughs” by Arthur J. Kennel, MD
“Living With Llamas”, 2nd Ed. Rosana Hart
“Llamas & Alpacas as a Metaphor for Life”, Marty McGee
“Llamas are the Ultimate”, Doyle Markham
“Llamas for Love and Money”, Rosana Hart
“Llamas: Wooly, Winsome & Wonderful”, Susan L. Jones
“Ruminations from the Back Forty – A Practical Guide to Living with Llamas & Alpacas”, John Mallon
“Scraping Heaven”, by Cindy Ross
“Speechless Brothers”, Andy Tillman
“The Llama Registry, Vol.1”, The Llama Link
“What About Conformation?”, Wes Holmquist
“Wonders of Llamas” Roger Perry

General & Introductory Videos
“Alive with Llamas”, The Llama Marketing Group
“Animal Planet: A Pet Story” (Featuring Berry Acres Llamas)(CD also available)
“Animal Planet: A Pet Story & Berry Picking 2003” (Featuring Berry Acres Llamas)
“Berry Acres Llamas”, Animal Planet’s A Pet Story
“Berry Picking 2003 at Berry Acres Llamas”, Berry Acres Llamas
“Best of Nature – Land of the Llama”, Wolfgang Bayer Productions
“In Search of the Ideal Llama”, Maggie & Richard Kriegar
“Llama Basics”, Taylor/Gavin Communications
“Llamas & Cameras”, R.T. Eastman Products
“Secrets of the Andean Alpaca”, Maggie & Richard Kriegar
“What Do You Do With A Llama?”, Susan Ley
“Why Llamas?”,Kelli Hart, Juniper Ridge/Hartworks

Grooming, Fiber, & Wool Processing Books
“Aunt Millie’s Guide to Llama Fiber” by Mike Brown
“Hand Dyeing Yarn & Fleece” by Gail Callahan, acquired through the GALA Library Fund
“Felt Making Techniques”, Inge Evers
“Felting”, Marlie Claessen
“Feltmaking with Llama” by Beth Beede (seminar booklet)
“Fiber Marketing & Target Harvesting – A Method of Shearing & Grading Your Llama Fiber”(pamphlet), Linda Berry Walker
“Hands on Dyeing”, Betsy Blumenthal & Kathryn Kreider
“Hands on Ridid Heddle Weaving”, Betty Linn Davenport
“Hands on Weaving”, Barbara Liebler
“Learning to Weave with Debbie Redding”
“Llama Embroidery & Craft Patterns” by Sharon Mahoney
“Lucet Braiding” by Elaine Fuller
“Making Felted Friends – 25 Toys & Gifts,” by Sue Pearl, acquired through the GALA Library Fund
“New Directions for Felt, An Ancient Craft”, Gunilla Paetan Sjobers
“Projects for Alpaca and Llama”, Edited by Chris Switzer
“Spinning Designer Yarns”, Diane Varney
“Spinning for Softness & Speed”, Paula Simmons
“Spinning Llama & Alpaca”, Chris Switzer
“The Felting Needle: From Factory to Fantasy”, Ayala Talpai
“The Lucet” by Margaret A. Leidrich
“Weaving a Tapestry”, Laya Brostoff
“Wool Use: Shearing, One Approach Th at Works for Me (4 page article)”, Tom Marino

Grooming, Fiber, & Wool Processing Videos
“Introduction to Needle Felting – Sculpting a Doll”, Sharon Costello
“Kwik-N-Stik,” The Ultimate Grooming Method
“Step by Step Shearing for Alpacas and Llamas ” by Ted Chepolis
“The Wonderful World of Llama Wool”. by Marty McGee
“Vermonters Just Like to Felt Hats”, The Herd of Northern Vermonters
“You The Ultimate Llama Groom”, Danielle Pierce

Health, Breeding & Birthing Books
“A Breeder’s Guide to Genetics – Relax It’s Not Rocket Science” Ingrid Wood & Denise Como
“A Reference Guide to Poisonous Plants – Eastern Edition”, compiled by Linda Hoyt
“Alpaca Veterinary Field Guide, 2nd Edition”, Dr. C. Norman Evans
“Animal Breeding & Production of American Camelids, 1984”,R. Escobar
“Camelid Medicine, Surgery & Reproduction, March 1998”, Ohio State University College of Vet Med
“Alpaca Veterinary Field Guide”, 2nd Edition by Dr. C. Norman Evans
“Camelid Medicine, Surgery & Reproduction, March 2000”, Ohio State University College of Vet Med
“Caring for Llamas & Alpacas: Health & Management Guide, 2nd Ed.”, Clare Hoff man & Ingrid Asmus
“Eco Andino-Veterinary Journals” Volumes 1 & 2, 1996, in Spanish, Published by CEPA in Oruro, Bolivia
“Field Guide to Plants Poisonous to Livestock, Western US”, Shirley A. Weathers
“Heat Stress: Prevention, Management & Treatment in Llamas”, Myra Freeman
“Livestock Guardians” by Janet Vorwald Dohner
“Llama & Alpaca Neonatal Care”,Drs. Brad Smith, Karen Timm, & Patrick Long
“Llama Babies: Up, Dry & Nursing”, Barbara Norris Anderson
“Llama Medicine Seminar For Llama & Alpaca Owners & Breeders”, Dr. David Pugh”
“Llama Medicine Seminar For Llama & Alpaca Owners & Breeders”, Murray Fowler, DVM
“Medicine & Surgery of South American Camelids, 2nd Ed.”, Murray Fowler, DVM”
“9th Edition, Merck Veterinary Manual”, Published by Merck & Co.
“Morris Animal Foundation Final Report on Suspected Retroviral Infection….. as a Cause of Immunodeficiency in Juvenile Llamas”,
Dr. LaRue Johnson
“Neonatal Clinic & Wet Lab Notebook”, Dr. LaRue Johnson
“The Complete Alpaca Book”, Eric Hoff man
“The Cria Scoring System ….. (pamphlet) A Method For Evaluating Your Newborn”, Linda Berry Walker, Dean Neely, VMD & Ann Showan, MD
“The Donkey Companion” by Sue Weaver
“The Veterinary Clinics of North America (1989) Llama Medicine”, Guest Editor LaRue Johnson, DVM
“The Veterinary Clinics of North America (1994) Llama Medicine”, Guest Editor LaRue Johnson, DVM
“Veterinary Clinics of North America, Alpaca and Llama Health Management,” David E. Anderson, DVM and
Claire E. Whitehead, BVM&S, Guest Editors, acquired through the GALA Library Fund
“Weeds of the Northeast” by Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal and Joseph M DiTomaso, donated by Ann Bodnyk
“Wild Predators? Not in My Backyard” by Eugene L. Fytche

Health, Breeding & Birthing Videos
“2012 International Camelid Health Conference for Veterinarians”, Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
“2012 International Camelid Health Conference for Owners”, Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
“Breeding, Birthing & Newborn Care”, Taylor/Gavin Communications
“Camelid Handling Secrets – Vol.1, Medical Management” by Dr. David Anderson and Marty McGee Bennett
“Lama Parasite Fecal Analysis” by Ann L. Bodnyk and Milissa Cooper, VMD
“Llama Reproduction, Parts 1 & 2 with Dr. LaRue Johnson”, Juniper Ridge Press

Housing & Fencing Books
“Building Small Barns, Sheds & Shelters”, Monte Burch
“Complete Plans for Building Horse Barns – Big & Small”, Nancy W. Ambrosiano & M. Harcourt
“Greener Pastures on Your Side of the Fence”, Bill Murphy
“Horse Keeping on a Small Acreage”, Cherry Hill
“Successful Small Farms – Building Plans and Methods”, Herbert T. Levy

Housing & Fencing Videos
“Fences, Barns & Feeders, The Llama Works, Vol. 1”, Barkman Animal Enterprises

Marketing Lamas & Lama Products Books
“Developing Llama Manure-Based Fertilizer”, Gale Birutta
“Successful Marketing is No Accident”, Dan & Marilyn Milton
“Successful Strategies for All Budgets (GALA Sp. ‘93 Marketing Seminar)”, compiled by Sue Rolfi ng

Showing Books
2008 ALSA Handbook, 15th Edition

Showing Videos
“The Competitive Edge in the Show Ring”, ALSA
“World’s Finest Alpaca Show”, NW Alpacas

Training, Driving & Packing Books
“A Well Trained Llama”, Paul & Betty Barkman
“Introduction to Llama Packing”, Wes Holmquist
“Llama Driving – A Basic Guide to Training and Driving Your Llama” by Ron Shinnick
“Llama Driving 101”, Nancy Chlarson
“Llama Handling and Training – The TTEAM Approach”, Marty McGee
“Llama Training On Your Own”, Helen Bedington
“Llama Training, Who’s in Charge?”, Jim Faiks, Phyllis Tozier & Jan Faiks Lyon
“Llamas: An Introduction to Care, Training & Handling”, Sandi Burt
“Llamas on the Trail”, David Harmon & Amy Rubin
“Making the Most of Your Llama”, Dr. Linda Beattie & Cathy Crismon
“Packing With Llamas”, Stanlynn Daugherty
“Ruminations from the Back Forty – A Practical Guide to Living with Llamas & Alpacas”, by John Mallon
“Tales of the Trail” by Charlie Hackbarth
“The Camelid Companion – Handling and Training Your Alpacas and Llamas” By Marty McGee Bennett

Training, Driving & Packing Videos, DVD’s or CD’s
‘Alpaca Talk “, by Cathy Spalding, acquired through the GALA Library Fund
“Alpaca Training and Handling with Marty McGee”
“Basic TTEAM with Llamas”, Marty McGee
“Click & Reward Tape 1”, Amy & Jim Logan
“Click & Reward Tape 2”, Amy & Jim Logan
“Diffi cult to Halter “, John Mallon
“Five Star Llama Packing”, Juniper Ridge Press
“Getting Started with TTEAM – Vol. 3”, Marty McGee
“Join Up”, Monte Roberts
“Let’s Go Packing”, Taylor/Gavin Communications
“Llama Talk”, by Cathy Spalding, acquired through the GALA Library Fund
“Llama Training with Bobra Goldsmith – What Every Good Llama Should Know”
“Llama Trekkers – The Llama Works – Vol. 2”, Barkman Animal Enterprises
“TEAM with Llamas – A Trauma-Free Training Clinic, Vol. l & ll with Linda Tellington-Jones
“The Mallon Method, Tape 1, “The First 24 Hours”, John Mallon
“The Mallon Method, Tape 2, “Halter Training Basics”, John Mallon
“Training Llamas to Drive”, Bobra Goldsmith
“Treating Your Llama Kindly”, Marty McGee & Dr. LaRue Johnson
“TTEAM Approach to Herd Management”, Marty McGee

Available on DVD
Taylor/Gavin Communications three-part “ All About Llamas” series: Llama
Basics; Let’s Go Packing; and Breeding, Birthing and Newborn Care.

Available on CD
Llama Talk by Cathy Spalding, acquired through the GALA Library Fund
Alpaca Talk by Cathy Spalding, acquired through the GALA Library Fund

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