Library Donors

Gregg & Rebecca Abbott
The Bajorek Family
Molly Bang
Jesse & Lenore Barton
Linda Berry Walker
Gale Birutta
Ann Bodnyk
Dr. Christine Camann
Jeff and Deb Carminati
Alfred Caples
Barbara Carlomagno
Lydia Chiappini
Dale Crum
Janie Deemer
Pat Dubois
Janice Dunn
Dr. C. Norman Evans
Dr. William Franklin
Joanna Fyon
The GALA 2000 Conference Committee
The GALA 2001 Conference Committee
The GALA 2002 Conference Committee
The GALA 2003 Conference Committee
The GALA 2004 Conference Committee
The GALA 2005 Conference Committee
The GALA 2006 Conference Committee
The GALA 2007 Conference Committee
The GALA 2008 Conference Committee
The GALA 2009 Conference Committee
The GALA 2010 Conference Committee
The GALA 2011 Conference Committee
Lars and Gayle Garrison
Marj Gerhart
Dean & Patti Goodding
Dan & Dale Goodyear
Charlie Hackbarth
Rosanna Hart
The Herd of Northern Vermonters
Meredith Humphrey
Mary L. Hutchison
Susan L. Jones
Jack Koll
Julie Lamacusa
Julie & David Lane
Lucille LaPlume
Star Livingstone
Gretta MacIntyre
John Mallon
Maple Leaf Llamas
Liz & Tom Marino
JoAnn McGrath
Paige McGrath
Randy & Vicki Negley
Wylie & Melanie Norton
Kristen Parsons
Mona Pearson
Persnickety Llamas
Leo Pfi effer
Lynne Pomerleau
Isobel Rambo
Audrey Rhoades
Sylvia Ritchie
Cindy Ross
Cynthia A. Rossi
Cheryl Ryberg
Pam Santorelli
Joyce Schenck
Polly Schofi eld
Silver Storm Farm
Dr. Brad Smith
Mary Twitchell
Diane & Dennis VanPelt
Hilary Ware
Joyce White
Willow Hawk Llamas
Peggy Wolf
Ingrid Wood
Donations are always welcomed and acknowledged below, in the GALA Newsletter and on a bookplate affixed to the donated material.

GALA extends a special THANK YOU to these Library donors:

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